Attention is currently required from: Matti Finder, Peter Marheine.
Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change by Matti Finder. ( )
Change subject: cli_client: Add rpmc command support ......................................................................
Patch Set 7:
File doc/classic_cli_manpage.rst: : PS7, Line 329: : RPMC commands : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Perhaps you can add a little intro which mentions that commands are available only if chip model supports the feature.
File include/flash.h: : PS4, Line 581: rpmc_ctx
This is sadly not as easily possible, since the chip reports itself with the same id as the W25Q128. […]
Ah, I think I understand now (also after reading CB:84934 with implementation). So, the only way to use the feature in flashrom, would be to have the chip recognised as "SFDP-capable chip", is this correct?
Which means, models that are not yet defined in flashchips.c will "get" the feature by default (provided model supports rpmc). However the models already defined in flashchips.c won't be able to use the feature. Unless the chip is somehow enforced to be handled as "SFDP-capable chip" instead of its own definition. It might be even possible already, we have a `-c <chipname>` parameter, maybe it can be used as `-c "SFDP-capable chip"` . Looks awkward, but I want to fully understand the current situation.
There are a bunch of models already defined in flashchips.c which support rpmc. But since rpmc has not been implemented, the definitions had no indication of that. For the long term, I am wondering how can we arrive to the solution so that all models which are capable, can use the feature. But this won't happen all in one commit of course.
I am marking as unresolved, just so that you won't miss and respond :) there is no action item right now.