Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Nico Huber, Martin Roth, Angel Pons, Nikolai Artemiev. Edward O'Callaghan has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashrom.8.tmpl: Add raiden_debug_spi doc entry ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
Edward, it's nice that you want to document things. But please […]
Nico, please refrain from condescending comments on code review. Stick to the point of actionable items. Especially when this patch is being done in response to your request.
File flashrom.8.tmpl: PS3, Line 1166: false
Like I said, false is implicit. If you look at the revised patch you will see it is just `<true>` now.
File flashrom.8.tmpl: PS4, Line 1141: must be specified
The code looks like it explicitly sends RAIDEN_DEBUG_SPI_REQ_ENABLE […]
Seems to be in `get_target()` however I think the defaulting to `ec` is undocumented behavior. I would be inclined to say the function should be modified to return -1 if "target" is unspecified.
Martin may know history here why it behaves like this? PS4, Line 1168: parameter changes the timeout value from 3ms to 10ms.
This is only applicable to `target=ap` AFAICS.