Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Nikolai Artemiev, Stefan Reinauer, Thomas Heijligen,
Vasily Galkin has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashchips.c: Add support for IS25WQ040 ......................................................................
Patch Set 6:
PS6: Thanks for review!
Seems-to-be-incorreect comments in the code are removed; rebase done too.
I have no this chip at hand by now, so the current version is not tested, but ~1y ago I used previous variant for flashing such chip, so I hope it is still fine after rebasing.
File flashchips.c: : PS5, Line 7792: 1024B
Page 47 says OTP is 256Bytes ? Also are you sure about read and write?
This and next-line comments were the parts of the first version of a patch by Roman Stingler that I used as a basis.
While using that patch as a base I verified the constants in the code, but completely foget to look in the comments.
No I see that they didn't correspond to the datasheet. So I just remove those comments. : PS5, Line 7793: /* QPI enable 0x35, disable 0xF5 */
QPI is not in the datasheet?
Removed this commands 0x35, 0xF5 are not mentioned in datasheet.
However the QPI I/O mode itself is mentioned, so the FEATURE_QPI flag on the line below is kept