Steve Markgraf has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashchips: Add support for Macronix MX25L5121E ......................................................................
Patch Set 1:
(3 comments) File flashchips.c: PS1, Line 8577: spi_chip_write_256
Does this work as intended? I would try to use a layout file to see if partial writes work
Yes, I just did some testing with a layout file. spi_write_chunked() does check for page_size and split to 32 byte writes. PS1, Line 8578: MX25L5121E supports dual I/O
Where do you see this?
Oops, I thought I removed that. PS1, Line 8579: 2.35
I see "2.7 to 3. […]
Same here, 2.7V-3.6V is correct.