Arthur Heymans has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: layout: Add -i <region>[:<file>] support. ......................................................................
Patch Set 5:
(2 comments) File flashrom.c: PS5, Line 1387: if ((entry->start > size) || (entry->end > size)) {
Checking `entry->end` should suffice.
is entry->start always smaller than entry->end? afaik coreboot/util/ifdtool generates regions where this is not the case for unused regions... File layout.c: PS5, Line 189: /* Quotes or whitespace are not allowed in region names. */
why test it here? why add it now?
I suppose this could go in the read_romlayout() function for when a layout file is provided. when fetched with --ifd,
" } else if (ifd && (flashrom_layout_read_from_ifd(&layout, fill_flash, NULL, 0) || process_include_args(layout))) { " one can expect the layout to be sane right?