Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Matti Finder.
Peter Marheine has posted comments on this change by Matti Finder. ( )
Change subject: cli_classic: Add rpmc command support ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
File cli_classic.c: : PS2, Line 113: I don't think we should re-tab all this text, since at default 8-char tabs some of them now exceed 80 characters in width. I think for the new options that are longer, it might be better to wrap the help to start on the next line. : PS2, Line 147: #if CONFIG_RPMC_ENABLED == 1 These options are all related to RPMC, so adding a heading might be useful.
Something like:
``` RPMC COMMANDS --get-rpmc-status ...
RPMC OPTIONS --rpmc-root-key ...
PROGRAMMER SELECTION OPTIONS -p | --programmer ... ```
It would be nice to organize all the options like that, but this change could set the tone. : PS2, Line 159: printf(".\n\nYou can specify one of -h, -R, -L, " Should this list be extended, since any RPMC command is also allowed?