Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Light. Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashrom.c, sfdp.c: Initialize dynamically allocated memory using calloc ......................................................................
Patch Set 6: Code-Review+1
Commit Message: PS6, Line 16: zeroes This word "zeroes" can go to the previous line, no need to line break after "initialize them to". PS6, Line 16: or if allocating using malloc separately initialize them using a loop. Sorry I have just noticed: this specific case (separately initialize them using a loop) is not used in the patch. This patch only calls calloc. I can just remove the second part, "or if allocating using malloc ...".
PS6: Apart from my two last comments, I think this is all good. And it fixes scan-build issues, which is very good!
But I wanted to check with Angel: this is on a similar topic like your patch CB:55269 , although your patch covers way more than this one. Do you approve this one?