Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk, Angel Pons, Brian Norris, Thomas Heijligen.
Hsuan-ting Chen has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: flashrom_tester: Correct "WP screw" message ......................................................................
Patch Set 5:
(1 comment)
Hsuan-ting, thanks for lots of information! I read all of this, I like information :) […]
1. While I initially suggested `remove` for consistency with ChromeOS documentation, upon further reflection, `open/close` seems equally valid for the WP screw issue, as it's likely a minor concern since ChromeOS has discontinued this WP screw design, and most `flashrom_tester` users are unlikely to encounter it. Ultimately, I think I would prefer todefer to Brian's decision on the terminology, as Brian is the original author and the initial feedback was positive.
2. Use a command should be the most common way to enable/disable HWWP for ChromeOS in practice but we didn't mentioned it in the previous texts. I'd like to take this opportunity to highlight this method. However, there are multiple commands available for this task. As shown in the linked documentation, three options are `gsctool`, `wp`, and `dut-control fw_wp_state`. Since listing all options would be cumbersome, I opted for the more general phrase "use the designated command".
3. Additionally, to ensure that `flashrom_tester` remains a versatile tool, it would be valuable to understand its usage beyond ChromeOS. Anastasia, based on your experience, do you have any insights into whether non-ChromeOS users are actively utilizing this tool? This information would greatly help us in making informed decisions moving forward. (This is another why I opted not to include specific commands in the debug message).