Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber, Paul Menzel, Angel Pons. Anastasia Klimchuk has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: tests: Set up mock chip memory in consistent and predictable way ......................................................................
Patch Set 7:
File tests/chip.c: PS6, Line 33: .buf = { MOCK_CHIP_CONTENT },
This only initialises the first element of `buf`, the rest of the array is initialised to 0. […]
Yes it is misleading: I misled myself :( I will keep {0} here as it was before, that's a good idea. And yes, setup_chip is expected to be called at the beginning of every test anyway. PS6, Line 97: memset(&g_chip_state.buf[0], MOCK_CHIP_CONTENT, MOCK_CHIP_SIZE);
How about: […]