Attention is currently required from: Nico Huber. Werner Zeh has posted comments on this change. ( )
Change subject: Add Elkhart Lake support ......................................................................
Patch Set 2:
Commit Message: PS2, Line 15: TEST=Read and flash complete flash on Siemens MC EHL1
Some tests with --ifd and writing only specific regions would be nice […]
I have tried writing just the BIOS region with
flashrom -p internal --ifd -i bios -w coreboot.rom
and it went all smooth so far.
File ich_descriptors.c: PS1, Line 1033: return CHIPSET_500_SERIES_TIGER_POINT;
Please also test if it detects the right platform. Should be easy […]
You nailed it, Nico. I have tried 'util/ich_descriptors_tool/ich_descriptors_tool -f coreboot.rom' with my latest mc_ehl1 coreboot image and got:
Unknown flash descriptor, assuming 500 series compatibility. Assuming chipset '500 series Tiger Point'.
A closer look showed that neither FLMAP1 nor FLMAP2 matches the documented settings in the SPI guide (especially the "Set to xx" comment in the register description). This is true for at least two different FIT versions I have tested as well as for the UEFI release for the Elkhart Lake CRB.
I will reach out to Intel to clarify the discrepancy so that we have a chance to make it right. Will report any update here.