The Supermicro X9SCL+-F has an SPI programming header which lets you
access the BIOS without soldering.
The pinout looks something like this:
(orient board so PCI slots are on the top)
DI - | | - GND CS * * VCC
CLK - | BIOS | - WP DO * * HOLD
HOLD - | CHIP | - DO WP * * CLK
VCC - | *| - CS GND * * DI
(edge of board)
There is also a SPI jumper (J29). I'm unsure of what this does, but I
had it open while doing this (though, it seemed to work closed as well)
Once connected properly, the BIOS is detected:
Found Winbond flash chip "W25Q64.V" (8192 kB, SPI) on buspirate_spi.
I'm assuming everything else will work, though I'm still waiting for the
initial read to complete.