On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 20:40:26 +0530
Rajasekhar Pulluru <pullururajasekhar(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Attached the full logs (excluding dmi). My observation is that:
> 1) reading spi flash seems to be good.
> 2) erasing spi flash : only first 64kb erases successfully, after that
> erase reports failure.
> 3) programming spi flash: only first 64kb programs fine, after that erase
> reports failure.
Hi, your output is missing the lines that are printed to stderr instead
of stdout and you should probably use the -o option of flashrom to
create logfiles ;)
... but anyway, it seems to me as if the ME region starts exactly where
you have problems. And I assume that it is at least not writable. You
can make that r/w by changing the flash descriptor (i.e. the first 4kB
which are apparently writable).
Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner