this chip is marked as "untested" in write mode.
So here are my test-results:
Erase in d8-Mode is not working (see log).
But i think it's the already known "serprog bug".
Erase in c7-mode is ok.
Write is working in both modes.
But i don't know why in c7-mode the log shows:
0x000000-0x007fff:W, 0x008000-0x00ffff:S, 0x010000-0x017fff:S,
I have created the test-file with dd and urandom. The file (131072 byte)
is full with data.
So it should write (W) not only to 0x007fff. Strange!
If you need more logs or infos, let me know.
BTW: The chip is labeled "25P10VP". I see nothing with "-A".
And the chip was found on a "Maxtor" hard disk drive.