Good day everyone,
We have one more release this year (this is the last one of this year, for sure :)). It contains one bug fix for the bug which was introduced in v1.5.0. Bug fix is also merged into the main branch, so building from the latest source works too.
Details: Users with older Intel-based platforms (Broadwell/Braswell and earlier) flashing using the internal programmer option might encounter an ‘Invalid OPCODE’ error when erasing/writing which would lead to an incomplete flash and potentially a bricked device. External flashing was not affected at all.
Ticket: Patch: Release notes:
Git tag: v1.5.1 (in branch 1.5.x) Tarball: Signature: Fingerprint: 6E6E F9A0 BA47 8006 E277 6E4C C037 BB41 3134 D111
Thanks heaps to people who helped to do v1.5.1 to get it ready before holidays break! <3
I wish everyone a nice and happy holidays time.