Hi Guys I run into trouble using flashrom. first I downloaded the ROM to flash then I downloaded flashrom and run the following command ---------- sudo flashrom ---------- Result: flashrom v0.9.1-r946 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "Intel ICH7/ICH7R", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: FWH. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "SST SST49LF004A/B" (512 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. No operations were specified. --------- I assumed that flashrom can burn my BIOS (since there was no warning given) Then I tried --------- sudo flashrom -wv Desktop/Downloads/P5LD2-2002.ROM --------- Result was that two opperations are not permittet or so After studying the man page I ran the following command --------- sudo flashrom -w Desktop/Downloads/P5LD2-2002.ROM --------- and got panic!!!!!!! -------- flashrom v0.9.1-r946 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "Intel ICH7/ICH7R", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: FWH. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "SST SST49LF004A/B" (512 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Writing flash chip... Erasing flash chip... ERASE FAILED at 0x000002c8! Expected=0xff, Read=0x4c, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x00000fff: 0xd12 ERASE FAILED! ERASE FAILED at 0x000002c8! Expected=0xff, Read=0x4c, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x0000ffff: 0xfc2b ERASE FAILED! FAILED! ERASE FAILED! FAILED! Your flash chip is in an unknown state. Get help on IRC at irc.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or mail flashrom@flashrom.org! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT REBOOT OR POWEROFF!
PLEASE ADVICE what to do next.
Regards Benjamin
On 10/09/2010 07:25 AM, Benjamin Z. Gregorian wrote:
sudo flashrom -w Desktop/Downloads/P5LD2-2002.ROM
flashrom v0.9.1-r946
We can help you get it fixed. You need some motherboard-specific code to be able to flash, which we can write for you. First, please compile and try the latest flashrom from here: http://qa.coreboot.org/snapshots/flashrom-0.9.3-r1204.tar.bz2 Run flashrom with the -V (verbose) flag as well, like this: flashrom -Vw P5LD2-2002.ROM
Please send the output from that command to the list, along with the output from the following commands (all run as root): lspci -nnvvvxxx superiotool -deV
Also, please send the exact name of you motherboard (the ASUS website has a lot of P5LD2 models like "Deluxe" and "-VM" etc).
Hi Benjamin,
we will help you.
On 09.10.2010 13:25, Benjamin Z. Gregorian wrote:
flashrom -w Desktop/Downloads/P5LD2-2002.ROM flashrom v0.9.1-r946
This flashrom version is pretty old.
Found chipset "Intel ICH7/ICH7R", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: FWH. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "SST SST49LF004A/B" (512 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Writing flash chip... Erasing flash chip... ERASE FAILED at 0x000002c8! Expected=0xff, Read=0x4c, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x00000fff: 0xd12 ERASE FAILED at 0x000002c8! Expected=0xff, Read=0x4c, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x0000ffff: 0xfc2b
This looks like nothing changed. If you made a backup of your ROM contents, please run flashrom -Vv backup.rom
If it says "VERIFIED", nothing changed and it is safe to reboot.
However, we would like to add support for your mainboard.Could you please download latest flashrom (preferably flashrom 0.9.3) and run the following commands (as root), then send the output to us? flashrom -V superiotool -deV lspci -nnvvvxxx
Please use the subject "yourboardname: boardenable needed" for that e-mail and mention the exact model of your mainboard including the revision, and tell us where we can find a BIOS download for it.
Regards, Carl-Daniel
Hallo Herr Hailfinger, Ich glaube wir können uns einfacher in DEUTSCH unterhalten.
Ich Danke für Ihre schnelle Rückmeldung!!!
1. Ich habe flashrom per apt-get unter Ubuntu 10.4 installiert. Die eingetragene Repository hat wohl nur Ihre alte Version.
2. Danke!! "flashrom -Vv backup.rom" sagt VERIFIED werde einen RESTART wagen
3. Habe die 0.9.3 installiert und die von Ihnen angegeben Befehle
flashrom -V superiotool -deV lspci -nnvvvxxx
Ergebnis siehe Anhang!!
Würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mit dem Motherboard klarkommen und mir eine Info geben wo ich die angepasste Version Downloaden kann
Mit den besten Grüssen B.Z. Gregorian
Am 09.10.10 15:34, "Carl-Daniel Hailfinger" c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net schrieb:
Hi Benjamin,
we will help you.
On 09.10.2010 13:25, Benjamin Z. Gregorian wrote:
flashrom -w Desktop/Downloads/P5LD2-2002.ROM flashrom v0.9.1-r946
This flashrom version is pretty old.
Found chipset "Intel ICH7/ICH7R", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: FWH. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "SST SST49LF004A/B" (512 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Writing flash chip... Erasing flash chip... ERASE FAILED at 0x000002c8! Expected=0xff, Read=0x4c, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x00000fff: 0xd12 ERASE FAILED at 0x000002c8! Expected=0xff, Read=0x4c, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x0000ffff: 0xfc2b
This looks like nothing changed. If you made a backup of your ROM contents, please run flashrom -Vv backup.rom
If it says "VERIFIED", nothing changed and it is safe to reboot.
However, we would like to add support for your mainboard.Could you please download latest flashrom (preferably flashrom 0.9.3) and run the following commands (as root), then send the output to us? flashrom -V superiotool -deV lspci -nnvvvxxx
Please use the subject "yourboardname: boardenable needed" for that e-mail and mention the exact model of your mainboard including the revision, and tell us where we can find a BIOS download for it.
Regards, Carl-Daniel
However, we would like to add support for your mainboard.Could you please download latest flashrom (preferably flashrom 0.9.3) and run the following commands (as root), then send the output to us?
Attached is a patch to enable writing on your board. Please apply, compile and test (I would recommend starting with r1204 which is the 0.9.3 release). If it works, we would appreciate the output of `flashrom -Vw P5LD2-2002.ROM' .
Attached is a patch to enable writing on your board. Please apply, compile and test (I would recommend starting with r1204 which is the 0.9.3 release). If it works, we would appreciate the output of `flashrom -Vw P5LD2-2002.ROM' .
there was no reply. i have committed a modified version in r1410. thanks for your work!
On 08/11/2011 01:27 AM, Stefan Tauner wrote:
Attached is a patch to enable writing on your board. Please apply, compile and test (I would recommend starting with r1204 which is the 0.9.3 release). If it works, we would appreciate the output of `flashrom -Vw P5LD2-2002.ROM' .
there was no reply. i have committed a modified version in r1410. thanks for your work!
( Signed-off-by: Joshua Roys roysjosh@gmail.com ;)