Forwarding his reply.
2011/4/29 Marcelo Sales Moreira
Good morning,
I tested with version 0.9.3 and not work with the bios file that the vendor sent me to work I had to update the bios file with custom bios / upgrade software and then save with AFUDOS.EXE FlashROM, ai yes I could replicate the bios saved for other boards.
Attached is the original bios and bios saved with FlashROM
Attached were: bios_save_flash.rom 4194304 bytes bios_logo.rom 1048576 bytes
You can create a file that has the same size as "bios_save_flash.rom" / the chip size by doing this: cat bios_logo.rom bios_logo.rom bios_logo.rom bios_logo.rom >> bios_logo_4megabyte.rom
We are also interested in the output of "flashrom -V -w bios_logo_4megabyte.rom"
Att Marcelo Moreira Sales
Em Qui, 2011-04-28 às 22:12 +0200, Idwer Vollering escreveu:
2011/4/28 Stefan Tauner
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 13:46:51 -0300 From: Marcelo Sales Moreira To: Stefan Tauner Subject: Re: [flashrom] Problem H55M-S Foxconn
Good afternoon,
Attached is the output from-v FlashROM
By looking at the output, I recommend to use version 0.9.3 or building the latest development code:
Att Marcelo Moreira Sales
-- Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner
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