Op 21-8-2011 3:40, Donovan Lavinder schreef:
to use Linux Live CD mentioned in flashrom download page, as FreeDOS have managed to brick all of the firmware image I have been trying to flash. Fed up, I went to get the live CD, it works now. I used SystemRescueCd distro (you need to figure out how to mount the hard drive or jump drive to be able to have flashrom to download the firmware ROM - for example: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk0 ), so far, this distro is quite nice to have!
I thought ramdisks make fine temporary storage? No need to mount harddisk then. It seems a bit strange to claim FreeDOS (or DJGPP-compiled flashrom) ruined your flash image. I guess file hashes would give a definitive answer to what's the issue.
I have to admit though that sometimes that FreeDOS kernel has had some FAT-related issues, no guarantee they're all solved.
goodluck with CoreBoot as well! So far the Asrock E350 board seems best to experiment with, though I'd like the fanless/passive Asus E350 board instead.