Designation: Non-SSA/Finmeccanica
This e-mail is basically a re-submittal with different subject.
I am currently working with an Intel based controller that is not supported by FLASHROM. The controller was purchased with AMI BIOS which configures the South Bridge BIOS_CNTL register to only allow SMI code to update the BIOS.
I have attached log files from the following:
flashrom -V > flashrom.log "FlashRom was extracted from svn on 4/19/2011 and built with no changes." lspci -nnvvxxx > lspci.log superiotool -deV > superiotool.log
biosdecode > biosdecode.log hwinfo --bios > hwinfo-bios.log dmidecode --type bios > dmidecode-bios.log lshw > lshw.log
The controller (CR11) is manufactured by GE and uses the following chipset:
Intel Celeron Processor Intel E7520 North Bridge Intel 6300ESB South Bridge SST49LF008A Firmware Hub
With minor tweaks to flashrom, it was able to see the following:
Found chip "SST SST49LF008A" (1024 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfff00000
The FWH ID was found at 0xfffc0000 and 0xfffc0001.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. We are in need of a reflash utility other than the one supplied by AMI .
Robert G. Razee Senior Software Engineer DRS Consolidated Controls Inc. 21 South Street Danbury, CT 06810 Tel: (203) 730-6808 Email: