Hello Everyone,
So just as requested here are all the informations about this motherboard :
*Manufacturer : *SZ Realan *Board Model : *LR-C1037TN v1.3 *Serial :* LRC1037TN14050466 *FCC :* TT RU E326167 TC-1 03-01 1404 *BIOS Chip :* GD25Q32PIG POG497 BH1309
*File provided by manufacturer to flash BIOS (with FPT) : * http://paste.flashrom.org/view.php?id=2648
*Full flashrom log :* http://paste.flashrom.org/view.php?id=2649
*"sudo lspci -vv" Log :* http://paste.flashrom.org/view.php?id=2650
If there is a need for any other information please tell.
Best Regards, Luis Da Costa