I've got a barebone pc from asus: http://www.asus.com/Barebone_PCs/PunditR/
read flash looks ok perhaps dumps are a bit different
I've attached both from flashrom, original from asus in roms.tar.xz other files: info.tar.xz => lspci/lsusb/dmesg/dmidecode read.log.xz => flashrom -r write.log.xz => flashrom -w
Hope it helps
On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 01:33:41 +0200 Gianluigi Tiesi sherpya@netfarm.it wrote:
Hi Gianluigi,
the old ATI chipsets are not supported at all and I can't find any datasheets for them. They may work regardless, I am not sure. In that case you would just need a small mainboard-specific routine to disable the write protection (a so-called board enable). If not you are probably out of luck. Please do not expect a solution soon (or ever).