Please, attach exact/full logs of this error.
Best regards,
Anton Kochkov.
Hello. as follow-up to recent discussion with your mail list, I would like
to share the following correspondence from the FreeDOS mail list.
My Question re below info: Is it possible to use FLASHROM as advised below
(USB drive) when infact it's not working from full OS environment? I think
it is NOT possible, but want your confirmation.
BTW, I also booted into Ubuntu-Linux and tried the same flash - I get the
same err as I did from FreeBSD O/S.
On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Beeblebrox wrote:
I want to update system BIOS using USB Flash. The USB drive has grub2
installed, I use it as a rescue drive & I can add menu items however I like.
I am able to boot into FreeDOS from grub2 this way:
linux16 (hd0,1)/boot/memdisk raw
linux16 (hd0,1)/boot/FDOEM.144
When I boot into FreeDOS, only the contents of the mem-loaded image file
(FDOEM.144) are visible. All the tutorials I have found confirm this
behaviour by instructions to add BIOS-update-files into the FDOEM.144 file,
so that the BIOS update files become available in the memory-file
MY QUESTION: Would it be possible to provide access from the FreeDOS
mem-file environment to a folder on the USB drive? This way, one would boot
into FreeDOS from grub2, chdir to the folder route defined in the FreeDOS
config.sys (?) and run the dos-biosupdate.exe. If this is possible, one
would just copy the BIOS files into the defined folder and be done with it.
Instead, with current definitions one mnust loop-mount FDOEM.144, copy the
BIOS files into a sub-folder, unmount FDOEM.144 and copy it to the USB
From: Антон Кочков
Date: Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] BIOS update with FreeDOS + grub2 on USB Flash
To:, "Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS."
You can try to use flashrom ( utility for that.
See download link - version
for DOS
Best regards,
Anton Kochkov.
flashrom mailing list