# 25th May 2023, 6.00-7.00am UTC+0
Attendees: Stefan, Damien, Edward, Anastasia
## Decision summary
* see notes
## Agenda
* [aklm] What's left to branch 1.4 * ready to delete makefile? * only one windows programmer left, to build with meson * progress bar * feature is incomplete, we can add [experimental] to the manpage TODO * amd spi [https://review.coreboot.org/c/flashrom/+/65237%5D(https://review.coreboot.or...) * renaming chain from Martin goes first * Edward's chain goes after that * new erase stuff can be better tested * let's split ichspi into two * [aklm] What is our procedure to sign the release tarballs? The process for 1.3 was rather chaotic, better have a well-defined process. * aklm needs to create the key * next meeting we sign * [aklm] let's enable erase/write optimisations by default? DONE * I want to complete this test [https://review.coreboot.org/c/flashrom/+/67535%5D(https://review.coreboot.or...) * static bool use_legacy_erase_path = false breaks one unit test full_chip_erase_with_wp_dummyflasher_test_success -> FIXED * [heijligen] add Chromebook specific documentation * aklm: maybe we can collect the links to chromebook documentation pages which are publicly visible. It would be good to have a page on the website which is a collection of documentation specific to chromebooks. TODO aklm try to find out. * existing docs might be removed and re-written, so adding links won't work * we need to start a new page, and gradually add stuff * check what are the questions on the mailing list, the most common questions need to be documented first