Hi Jimmie,
thanks for your report. It looks like the IMC in your southbridge is
stuck and we can only read garbage.
I hope you didn't try to write to this chip. If you tried and it
hung/failed, please tell us so we can figure something out.
Could you please check if latest flashrom from svn (at least
0.9.2-r1145) complains about corruption?
On 02.09.2010 14:11, Jimmie Tauriainen wrote:
I hope you guys get some use of these, thanks
flashrom v0.9.2-r1144 on Linux 2.6.28-11-generic (x86_64), built with libpci 3.0.0, GCC 4.3.3, little endian
Initializing internal programmer
DMI string system-manufacturer: "Supermicro"
DMI string system-product-name: "H8DGT"
DMI string system-version: "1234567890"
DMI string baseboard-manufacturer: "Supermicro"
DMI string baseboard-product-name: "H8DGT"
DMI string baseboard-version: "1234567890"
DMI string chassis-type: "Desktop"
Found chipset "AMD SB700/SB710/SB750", enabling flash write... chipset PCI ID is 1002:439d, SPI base address is at 0xfec10000
AltSpiCSEnable=0, SpiRomEnable=1, AbortEnable=0
PrefetchEnSPIFromIMC=0, PrefetchEnSPIFromHost=1, SpiOpEnInLpcMode=1
SpiArbEnable=1, SpiAccessMacRomEn=1, SpiHostAccessRomEn=1, ArbWaitCount=7, SpiBridgeDisable=1, DropOneClkOnRd=0
GPIO11 used for SPI_DO
GPIO12 used for SPI_DI
GPIO31 used for SPI_HOLD
GPIO32 used for SPI_CS
GPIO47 used for SPI_CLK
ROM strap override is not active
This chipset supports the following protocols: LPC,FWH,SPI.
Probing for AMIC A25L05PT, 64 KB: probe_spi_rdid_generic: id1 0xbf, id2 0xbfbf
Classic case of a stuck FIFO. flashrom 0.9.2-r1145 and later should
print loud warnings about corruption and refuse to read/write.