Hello All! I just tried to rewrite flashchip, but failed:
Workplace ~/work/tmp.bios: sudo flashrom -w 8i9me.f6 flashrom v0.9.1-r893 No coreboot table found. Found ITE SuperI/O, id 8712 Found chipset "Intel ICH6/ICH6R", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: FWH. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "SST SST49LF003A/B" (384 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfffa0000. === This flash part has status UNTESTED for operations: ERASE WRITE Please email a report to flashrom@flashrom.org if any of the above operations work correctly for you with this flash part. Please include the flashrom output with the additional -V option for all operations you tested (-V, -rV, -wV, -EV), and mention which mainboard or programmer you tested. Thanks for your help! === Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Writing flash chip... Programming page: 0000 at address: 0x00000000ERASE FAILED at 0x00000000! Expected=0xff, Read=0x22, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x0000ffff: 0xfeec ERASE FAILED! ERASE FAILED! FAILED! Your flash chip is in an unknown state. Get help on IRC at irc.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or mail flashrom@flashrom.org! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT REBOOT OR POWEROFF! Workplace ~/work/tmp.bios:
Don't worry - I read bios chip before and after erase, and their md5 sum matches, so I believe, I didn't broke something fragile. Unfortunately, I can't say anything about particular version of the board (several slightly different versions were released - I suppose, that I have ver. C)