First - Great tool - Great job - Thanks !
Please excuse my _great_ english. Atleast it should be understandable enough.
Here is my problem: I'm trying to update the bios of GA-8IPE1000MK board from GIGABYTE. Here is the output of flashrom which explains the problem:
--------------> # flashrom -w pe1000mk.f14 flashrom v0.9.1-r710 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "Intel ICH5/ICH5R", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: Non-SPI. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "SST SST49LF002A/B" (256 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfffc0000. Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Writing flash chip... ERASE FAILED at 0x00000000! Expected=0xff, Read=0x25, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x00003fff: 0x3fb6 ERASE FAILED! ERASE FAILED! ERASE FAILED! ERASE FAILED! FAILED! Your flash chip is in an unknown state. Get help on IRC at irc.freenode.net channel #flashrom or mail flashrom@flashrom.org ------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT REBOOT OR POWEROFF!
After that I verified if flashrom actually changed something. I have a backup of the original bios and used it for the verify procedure. Rebooted and everything works normal with the old bios.
Here is a link to bios update: http://download.gigabyte.eu/FileList/BIOS/motherboard_bios_ga-8ipe1000mk_f14... The .exe file can be extracted under linux with p7zip.
I'm attaching the output of 'flashrom -V', 'lspci -nnvvvxxx', 'superiotool -deV'
I hope this information is something to start.
Thanks for your time!