On Fri, 9 Sep 2011 13:10:47 -0700 Rohit Vijapure dbnk83@motorola.com wrote:
I am trying to mass update the BIOS on MB899 Intel ® CoreTM 2 Duo/CoreTM Duo/ Solo 945GM Mini-ITX Motherboard. I did compile the flashrom by following two modifications as I was getting errors for the global declaration .
*Compilation errors* programmer.h:567: warning: declaration of 'programmer' shadows a global declaration
board_enable.c: In function 'nvidia_mcp_gpio_set': board_enable.c:892: error: too few arguments to function 'pci_get_dev'
*Compilation success with following changes.* *1. Makefile* CFLAGS ?= -Os -Wall #CFLAGS ?= -Os -Wall -Wshadow
*2. board_enable.c* dev = pci_get_dev(pacc, dev->domain, dev->bus, dev->dev, 1); /* dev = pci_get_dev(pacc, dev->bus, dev->dev, 1);*/
hm. you are using the 0.9.4 snapshot without any modifications (apart from those above) and gcc 4.0.2, right?
Flash image he76.052008 was taken from another machine with proper BIOS using "flashrom -r he76.052008" command.
this board is supported, but needs the following command line arguments to work: flashrom -p internal:boardenable=force -m IBASE:MB899 -w <file>
i am not sure why the autodetection is kinda disabled for this board. if you could mail us the output of flashrom -V and lspci -xxnnvvv we might be able to fix this.