Hi Jan-Hendrik,
I noticed that you own an ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0 which has the VIA
VT8237S chipset and a LPC/FWH BIOS flash chip.
We flashrom developers are currently trying to cross-check the VT8237S
documentation with real hardware settings, and it would be very helpful
for us if you could mail us (just hit reply-all to send to the
flashrom(a)flashrom.org mailing list) the output of the following command
(as root):
lspci -nnvvvxxx
Just in case you've never heard about flashrom: flashrom is a tool to
update your BIOS/EFI/coreboot from inside Linux/*BSD without the need to
use a DOS boot disk.
Your help is greatly appreciated.