yes, thank you jesus for you, your whole family, and every seed of your
loins! i am writing this before setting my *initial* bios settings
because i am sofa king happy that your program worked!! i swear, i'd
donate a kidney or two to you about right now!! i actually hot-swapped
two AMI bios (8pin dip) and flashed them. my first board i screwed the
bios by playing around with a bios edit prog, the second, i bought last
week since it had 8pin dip bios, figured i could use it to reflash the
bad one, and have an extra board. but, my phenom ii x4 (965 black ed-)
runs at 140w, and the new mobo kept shutting down stating (the obvious)
that my cpu was running over ~125 watts, so i couldn't use it to flash
the old bios, but i hadn't noticed that my linux box had an 8pin dip
bios also, until i was playing around with a lpt 25 pin header (for
jtag), so i updated the 'you're over 125w' bios as well as flashed the
original bios mistake/lesson i had. so all from linux desktop! quite
i'll send attachments of my mobo/chipset info for you with this, but i
didn't run the commands with -V nor did i save the output. i tend to
read the instructions after the fact..(why i ended up with the bios
problem in the first place)
so again, thanks, and EXCELLENT work!!!!!!!!!!