I am trying to run flashrom but I am not able to. For my program I use Arduino Nano on which I uploaded frser-duino. I repeated the steps in the instructions on your site on the other computer and virtual machine. I don't know why it doesn't work. I even tried to upload the old version of the serprog-duino from github. Every time I type the basic command *"flashrom -p serprog:dev=/dev/ ttyUSB0: 2000000" * I get the error *"Error: cannot synchronize protocol - check communications and reset device?* *"Error: Programmer initialization failed .. "* I tried to edit the makefile attached to frser-duino, but there's not much to change there. According to the creator, the file is preconfigured for atmega328p which is in my arduino so it should work right away. I also edited the command changing the last value from 2000000 to 9600, 56700, 115200 and 256000. I hope you have some idea. I suspect that the matter may be related to the software loaded on arduino, but looking at github from May 17, 2020, the author of frser-duino did not manage to correct the readme file at the request of one of the users in the "Issues" section.