On 29.10.2010 04:58, David Hendricks wrote:
New version, more bug fixes. Thanks for Carl-Daniel for testing!
- Restore the original ROM before beginning the second set of tests.
- The last iteration of the second test (un-aligned partial writes) was
causing problems on a 128KB part (emulated). I've removed it for now since I'm in a hurry to get out tonight.
- Fixed a copy + paste error in the 4k aligned test layout.
- Added $FLASHROM_PARAM to the list of parameters passed into Flashrom.
Thanks! The following change to the second while loop seems to fix the issues with 128kB flash chips for me:
# Protect against too long write writelen=4096 if [ $((${offset} + 4096 + 4096)) -ge 131072 ]; then writelen=$((131072 - $((${offset} + 4096)))) if [ ${writelen} -lt 0 ]; then writelen=0 fi fi dd if=${ZERO_4K} of=${TESTFILE} bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=${offset} 2>/dev/null dd if=${FF_4K} of=${TESTFILE} bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=$((${offset} + 4096)) count=writelen 2>/dev/null
Regards, Carl-Daniel