[Forwarding answer to list]
I did not get a chance to write or erase the chip because I don't have any rom to write.
I attached the output of lspci -nnvvvxxxx because it was very big. I also attached the output of superiotool -deV because it was pretty big.
Also I managed to update to flashrom 0.9.2 and I have attached the output of -V. (I removed the Ubuntu version from the repositories and compiled the new version.)
Eventually I may decide to write coreboot onto my chip and I will email the output of that to you.
Glad to help!
Thanks, I forwarded the mail/logs to the flashrom list, size is not a problem, we've seen way larget files anyway and even those were fine (as long as it's useful logs and not proprietary BIOS image which we cannot distribute or similar stuff).