2011/8/30 Feldschmid, Ingo ifel@msc-ge.com
The Intel Tunnel Creek chipset supports both an SPI and an LPC bus. Set chipset table entry for Tunnel Creek to new function “ enable_flash_tunnelcreek”, which will read the hardware straps and return support for the bus that has been used for booting. This function uses “ ich_init_spi” with ich_generation set to 7 for initializing the SPI bus if necessary.
SPI functionality tested on actual hardware (see attached file flashrom. log), Tunnel Creek LPC interface not tested yet (missing hardware for th at).
The log you sent reports that flashrom found an untested chipset:
"Found chipset "Intel Atom E6xx(T)/Tunnel Creek" with PCI ID 8086:8186. This chipset is marked as untested. If you are using an up-to-date version of flashrom please email a report to flashrom@flashrom.org including a verbose (-V) log. Thank you!"
Having tested this on hardware, can you change this: {0x8086, 0x8186, NT, "Intel", "Atom E6xx(T)/Tunnel Creek", enable_flash_tunnelcreek},
to: {0x8086, 0x8186, OK, "Intel", "Atom E6xx(T)/Tunnel Creek", enable_flash_tunnelcreek},
recompile and send the output (and patch) after that change?
Signed-off-by: Ingo Feldschmid ifel@msc-ge.com
<<tunnelcreek.patch>> <<flashrom.log>>
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