I am trying to get the Macronics Flash MX25L3205D using FTDI UM232H-B-WE with Flashrom 0.9.7-r1764 on lunux.
The programmer UM232H seems to be supported based on http://flashrom.org/Supported_programmers The flash MX25L3205D seems to be supported based on: http://flashrom.org/Supported_hardware (MX datasheet: http://www.macronix.com/Lists/DataSheet/Attachments/1534/MX25L6405D,%203V,%2...)
I have the following pins connected using the following mapping and connected the MX flash using test clip:
UM232H Mapping Macronics (25L3205D) D0->SPI_SK 6 D1->SPI_DO 2 D2->SPI_DI 5 D3->SPI_CS 1 D4->SPI_WP 3 D5->SPI_HOLD 7 GND 4 VCC 8 (3.13v)
When I use flashrom with command line: flashrom -p ft2232_spi:type232H, flashrom replies with "Found Generic flash chip "unknown SPI chip (RDID)" (0 kB, SPI) on ft2232_spi. Unsupported etc......
It is my understanding that the 25L3205D is supported and I am not sure why I would get this message. Any pointers would be very helpful.