Regarding the flashing equipment (test clip, programmer) - you could refer to . There's a SOIC8 test clip with 2.54mm bent pins, so that you can use any 1P wires of any length and material (preferably copper), and CH341A programmer with a green PCB.
You'd need to re-check this, but it seems to me that flashrom doesn't support PMC Pm49FL004T : although not sure, I could only find messages like this one: . The question is, could this chip be replaced with another alternative chip that's supported by flashrom? But, if you'll still need to read the existing firmware from Pm49FL004T , then you may have to get a proprietary programmer (that'll be really overpriced in comparison to $2 CH341A).
ср, 10 нояб. 2021 г. в 21:00, Betibeteka Beranduetxea
Thank you very much for the heads-up about flashrom.
As said, motherboard is OK with flashrom, but I'm unable to find my BIOS chip on the supported hardware list.
These are the numbers on the chip: PMC. 0639 Pm49FL004T-33JCE
As you look much more fluent than me on this matter, could you give any pointer to that chip or an equivalent one?
I looked for the PLCC puller on aliexpress and I have seen some cheap ones, but, would you mind to give me any pointer, should you have any preferences. Same for the programmer...
With that equipement, I could do many tests without fear to brik the machine....
History is, since 2012 I'm using an allmost identical machine to run LinuxCNC. I have been unable to find any other with a so low jitter < 20 usec (excellent for stepper pulse generation). Even current systems give me more jitter. Then this second machine came to me. Only differences are in the case: hard disk placement and frontal USB ports vs USB multicard reader. OS is exactly the same, only BIOS version differs. However, jitter in this second machine is 3-4x worse. That's the reason why I think a BIOS update is in order.
Again, thank you very much
Kind regards from Spain