On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 02:14:06 +0200 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net wrote:
- Should register_par_programmer(...) be called before or after setting max_rom_decode.*?
why is that not a field in the different programmer structs (yet?)?
- Should register_par_programmer(...) be called before or after register_shutdown()?
like register_spi_programmer (no idea when that is, but consistency is the one main argument i can think of atm)
- Is there a better name for register_par_programmer?
register_parallel_programmer ofc, and imho it is not too long, because it is seldom used, but i don't care that much (due to the same reason).
- Should max_rom_decode.* be part of the registration?
either that or declaration, see question above. if it has to be modified (board enables do this it seems...), this can't be done at registration (only)...
- Should map_flash_region/unmap_flash_region be part of the registration?
no idea what that does exactly :P
--- flashrom-register_par_programmer/cli_classic.c (Revision 1433) +++ flashrom-register_par_programmer/cli_classic.c (Arbeitskopie) […]
sorry for the lame "review", but i thought better some feedback than none at all :)