Hi Carl, David
The launchpad CC3200 have FTDI 2232D for programming CC3200 MCU. I wanted to use this FT2232 with flashrom. I can finally use flashrom with launchpad cc3200.
But i have questions about ft2232_spi.c file (attached) in line 488 "buf[i++] = 0 & ~cs_bits; /* assertive */" Why sets all pins to low state? I need keep one pin to high state.The launchpad CC3200 requires keep Bit 7 to high state for work.
It work replacement line 488 for this buf[i++] = 0x80; Any solution?
attach img with flashrom running. Sorry for quality
2016-10-14 20:19 GMT-03:00 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger < c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net>:
On 14.10.2016 21:24, David Hendricks wrote:
What exactly are you trying to do? How do you plan to use the CC3200? How is the flash memory connected / accessed?
TI has some information about flashing it here: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC31xx_%26_CC32xx_
If you'd like, you can try adding support for the FTDI chip in ft2232_spi.c.
There are various existing open source tools based on libftdi which write the EEPROM which does the same thing as FT_PROG. Please note that FT_PROG writes the configuation EEPROM of the FTDI chip, not the flash chip storing the firmware of the CC3100/CC3200.
If the FTDI D2XX is significantly different you can create a new file (ftdi_d2xx.c, for example), and use ft2232_spi.c as a template.
I think the FTDI D2XX library has a license incompatible with flashrom.
If you want to replace TI CCS UniFlash with flashrom, it would make sense to check if any protocol documentation for the UART-based flashing exists. In that case you won't need D2XX or libftdi.
Regards, Carl-Daniel
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