Hello Stefan, Thanks for the reply. Before programming the bios I think flashrom validates the flash chips. So in my case it would find the size of flash as 4MB not 8MB. If I give the 8MB image in the command, would it not throw error like "the image size is more than flash size" ?
Thanks for the help, Raghu
-----Original Message----- From: Stefan Tauner [mailto:stefan.tauner@student.tuwien.ac.at] Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 2:37 PM To: Raghuramchary Jallipalli Cc: flashrom@flashrom.org Subject: Re: [flashrom] Handling Multiple devices
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:15:48 +0530 Raghuramchary Jallipalli Raghuramchary.Jallipalli@lntinfotech.com wrote:
Hello Experts, Does flashrom utility has the capability to program BIOS in a multiple device scenario. In my case, there are two flash devices(each 4MB size) on a SPI interface. The BIOS image build tool we have builds two images of 4MB size, one for flash 1 and other for flash 2. The BIOS sits in the second flash. Now when I issue the command flashrom -w test.bin , does it program the bios region flash?? The test.bin(4MB size) in the command is for the flash 2. […]
with the current code you would need to combine both images into one single file. if the descriptor is correctly set up flashrom will use hardware sequencing to program both chips and there should be no need for special command line options. without a valid descriptor it is not possible to program multiple chips on intel chipsets at all because they do not offer an interface to switch the chipselect line manually. -- Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner
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