Good Day,
We have the friendliness document which serves as a sort of Code of Conduct.
It does not serve though. Code of conduct is meant to protect members of the community from unacceptable behavior, and Friendliness failed to do that.
Friendliness doc definitely has lots of potential and can be upgraded to code of conduct. But this needs more work, which means more time. From your posts, my understanding is that you would like a discussion on the mailing list. Don't know if you count this thread as it, or perhaps you consider creating another one - but either way, some more time for discussion.
Why would we use coreboot's code of conduct as interim solution? You are proposing to establish a new foreign rule immediately (quoting your mail: "today")
Foreign? coreboot is foreign? You can't be serious! :) All of the servers and infrastructure are coreboot's. This mailing list we are talking right now, Gerrit, both old and new websites, etc etc, all hosted on coreboot's servers. There are no "flashrom servers''. And the majority of the people in the community overlap.
and oh, "today" meant "when patch is merged", not an exact date.
Yes, I would like to have an interim solution while we get to the full solution, because having no solution at all is not great.
If it helps you: migrating Friendliness as is to the new website was my first idea, and I started looking at it. I got to my computer with the goal to create a patch to migrate friendliness. But when I inspected the page closely, I realised there are lots of things to do and it's not that trivial. Especially if the goal is to upgrade it to be code of conduct. So instead I created a patch with what you called "interim solution", which probably is an interim solution indeed, and put a commit message explaining that.
I experience strong cognitive dissonance when matching your surely positive intentions with your actions. Please help me understand you.
Yes sure I can help! Yeah, there was no link to the old website. I just added it and sent a patch. I even recall at some point thinking "we need a link to wiki on the menu" but I guess I wasn't on the computer at that time and by the time I got to it I forgot :D
Oh actually I noticed you have an eagle eye for the new website. This is very useful! I already fixed a few things that you shared on the mailing list: like a broken contact link in readme and link to wiki. But, absolutely don't hesitate to send a patch if you notice something to fix. That would be very helpful.
Because I started them. I would have expected you as a project leader to start those mailing list threads with a subject including "code of conduct" or similar.
A reminder: you learned about what is happening from the mailing list. From *my* post on this mailing list ;) That's the whole point of sending meeting notes to the mailing list: everyone can read, everyone who is interested can react.
Of course you can create new threads! You are welcome to create new threads, with any important topics.
I think the gerrit code review platform is the wrong place to discuss non-code policy.
I assume by saying "discuss" you mean people reacting and posting/commenting. I see in the gerrit patch there are 6 people actually discussing (adding comments). In the mailing list, it's just us two talking. As for reading: everyone can do reading, all the 389 subscribers are reading. And I posted the gerrit link twice, for anyone interested. In Gerrit: you can read all comments without even an account in gerrit. Even our parents and kids can read those comments. And maybe they do it right now :)