2011/3/4 Michael Karcher flashrom@mkarcher.dialup.fu-berlin.de:
Am Freitag, den 04.03.2011, 00:59 +0100 schrieb Michał Janke:
two slight offsets, I gave it a go. The SST chip got written and verified correctly, though erasing failed.
That sounds quite strange to me as successful erasing is a prerequisite for writing. Maybe flashrom had to fall back on an alternate erase method. Can you provide verbose logs of what you describe here, please?
Well, it IS strange - sometimes the chip gets flashed ok in spite of an error during erease and sometimes there is either no such error or the error causes writing to fail. I attach a console script log showing how it looks like (a series ofnon-verbose flashing attempts) and one verbose log.
Regards, Michael Karcher