Add serprog_map so that chips are addressed properly. I did this for adding LPC support to my ATmega644 programmer.
Signed-off-by: Urja Rannikko
------ Sorry if I interrupted you all out of nowhere :P, I was porting LPC code somebody (Mike Stirling, had to look that up) did for the AVR to my ATmega644 (FTDI-USB) programmer, and noticed that it forced a base address of 0xFFF80000 that is right only for 512K chips. I modified the code to only add the highest 8 bits that are not addressable in serprog protocol, and added this map function to have flashrom address stuff properly. This shouldnt affect non-serprog code at all, and it shouldnt matter to parallel, nor it would affect the lpc addr or 0xFFF80000-implementation, also my SPI W25Q80 doesnt mind being addressed in this way at all (detect and read tested). Further testing is recommended.
Also sidenote: it might be useful to add an optional write_jedec_1-implementation into serprog. This thing is taking forever to write LPC. (LPC with a 12Mhz AVR isnt that fast anyways, but with USB ping-pong on every byte written...)