On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 20:29:55 +0330 Arman Khodabande amal555@gmail.com wrote:
Hello As I checked Supported hardware on the Flashrom website the chip EN25F32 has unknown status. I wanted to inform you that successfully tested the Read and Write operations of this chip on a Rayer_spi programmer. The EN25F32 chip acts as the Bios in the Dell XPS L502 Laptops. Here's the log with (-V):
Perhaps the verification process failed which maybe because of programmer disconnection or fault. It may have been succeeded. So I'm unsure.
Verifying flash... VERIFY FAILED at 0x00008134! Expected=0xed, Read=0xef, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x003fffff: 0xbe54 Your flash chip is in an unknown state. Get help on IRC at chat.freenode.net (channel #flashrom) or mail flashrom@flashrom.org with the subject "FAILED: "!
I verified the chip with another program called SPIPGM and it showed no errors. so the READ and WRITE process was fine by flashrom.
Hello Arman,
thanks for your report! I'll pretend the verification errors never happened, because the LPT-based programmers are usually to blame and not flashrom itself. Thus I have marked the flash chip as fully tested and will commit that later together with other small changes.