Estimado Stefan,
Con fecha Viernes, 12 de Abril de 2013, 07:44:47 p.m., escribió:
On Fri, 12 Apr 2013 13:54:42 +0100 Carlos wrote:
hello, to update the chip w39v040bp w39v040fb and having the corrupted BIOS on a motherboard ASUS P4GE-mx erasing fault so could not write, and I need to get those bios urgent Thanks
hello carlos,
can you mail us the output of flashrom please? ideally we would like to see the output when it failed and additionally the output of "flashrom -p internal -V". which version of flashrom did you use and why do you think you corrupted the bios?
hello, what I did was use the flashrom version 0.9.6 to update two other corrupt bios on a motherboard asus motherboard P4GE-mx as it has a 32-pin PLCC soquet and I can put on and remove the chip, and I get the error that the deletion fails, however I will copy the error screen and will send him, Greetings