Actually, there seems to be a problem with the combination Poulsbo chipset + SST49LF008A erase toggle test. The bit toggle test which tests if a write or erase command has been finished is always succeeding, even though the flash chip hasn't been finished. This leads to the next write or erase command to fail, since the chip is not ready to accept a new command at this time. The only safe solution to this problem has been to wait the maximum write/erase time after each write or erase command. I haven't seen any way to integrate this into the flashrom trunk, since it would have to change write/erase timings for a specific flashchip dependent on the detected chipset....
Best regards, Ingo
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Stefan Tauner Gesendet: Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011 00:09 An: MONDON Daniel Cc: Betreff: Re: [flashrom] Intel SCH Poulsbo
On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 14:31:22 +0200 "MONDON Daniel" wrote:
Flashrom V0.9.4-r1395 results: Found chipset « Intel SCH Poulsbo” Found SST flash chip “SST49LF008A” (1024kB, FWM) @ 0xfff00000
I am under TCL (TinyCore Linux).
Flashing Bios is OK, but erasing flash need many loops to erase all flash (from 0x1000 to 0xFF000 = 256 loops). But sometimes, it is ok in one time.
What can I do to increase erasing speed (times) … or is there any known bug … perhaps increasing timeout … or ?
hello daniel,
if you could provide some verbose (-V) logs of said behavior we might be able to tell you the reason. i believe that sometimes parts of the chip's contents and the file to be written are equal. flashrom will not try to erase those sectors then and just print S (for skip; in verbose mode only). if you have not found a bug, then there is probably not much potential for speedup on internal programmers (i.e. motherboards). they are usually limited by the speed of the flash chip and/or its bus. erasing flash chips can take quite some time - more than one minute - depending on the model. in your case though it seems to be very fast according to the data sheet... what durations are we talking about btw?
i have also marked the SST49LF008A as fully tested and will commit that later.