I finally managed to get the chip recognised by flashrom using the following circuit:
Chip --- Arduino 1 10 2 12 3 3.3V 4 GND 5 11 6 13 7 3.3V 8 3.3V
The problem now is with the reading. With the flag -VVVr I get the following:
Reading flash... serprog_spi_send_command, writecnt=4, readcnt=65536 serprog_spi_send_command, writecnt=4, readcnt=65536 serprog_spi_send_command, writecnt=4, readcnt=65536 serprog_spi_send_command, writecnt=4, readcnt=65536 serprog_spi_send_command, writecnt=4, readcnt=65536 serprog_spi_send_command, writecnt=4, readcnt=65536
It outputs a different number of lines each time but always stops. Any idea what the problem may be? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards, Paulo Ribeiro