Hello list,
I recently tried to update the BIOS of my MSI H87-G43 [1] from an usb disk using the "M-Flash" method. The update seemed to have succeeded, but now the board does not do anything at bootup anymore. No screen output, no beeping. At first, one of the LEDs (i guess HDD activity) blinked periodically, but after a few restarts it does not even do that anymore.
After doing some research I found some guides abouting flashing the bios chip from outside. One article especially captured my interest, which described how to access the flash chip via the JSPI1 header on the mainboard from a Raspberry Pi [2].
I followed that guide, but I cannot manage to get a connection to the chip. I found out the used chip is a MX 25L12873F [3], but it is not listed as supported on [4], does this mean it will not work with Flashrom?
Or is maybe something wrong with my wiring? In contrast to the description of the JSPI1 MSI connector on [5] the connector on my board has 12 pins, so I was a little bit confused.
I am new to this topic and very thankful for any help!
Regards Fabian
[1] https://de.msi.com/Motherboard/H87-G43.html [2] https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=289550.0 [3] http://www.bios-chip24.com/MXIC-MX-25L12873F-M2I-10G-128MBit-SPI-Flash-SOIC-... [4] https://www.flashrom.org/Supported_hardware [5] https://www.flashrom.org/MSI_JSPI1