I flashed my bios with flashrom tonight and got the scary warning message saying "erase failed" and "do not reboot".
I haven't rebooted.
As far as I can tell from using flashrom itself, everything is actually fine. The erase appears to have failed at physical address 0, which I would guess means that nothing actually happened.
I had taken a dump of the original bios before starting, and "flashrom -v" now verifies that it is identical.
Furthermore, a new dump of the bios matches the original dump from before I tried to write the bios.
My board is an MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum.
Output from my dump attempt and subsequent messing around follows.
Do I have your blessing to reboot my machine?
fraser@ged:/tmp/7125v1D$ sudo flashrom flashrom v0.9.1-r706 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "NVIDIA CK804", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: Non-SPI. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "PMC Pm49FL004" (512 KB, LPC,FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. No operations were specified.
fraser@ged:/tmp/7125v1D$ sudo flashrom -w W7125NMS.1D0 flashrom v0.9.1-r706 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "NVIDIA CK804", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: Non-SPI. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "PMC Pm49FL004" (512 KB, LPC,FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Writing flash chip... Programming page: ERASE FAILED at 0x00000000! Expected=0xff, Read=0x49, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x0000ffff: 0x599 ERASE FAILED! ERASE FAILED! FAILED! Your flash chip is in an unknown state. Get help on IRC at irc.freenode.net channel #flashrom or mail flashrom@flashrom.org ------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT REBOOT OR POWEROFF!
fraser@ged:/tmp/7125v1D$ sudo flashrom -w original.bios flashrom v0.9.1-r706 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "NVIDIA CK804", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: Non-SPI. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "PMC Pm49FL004" (512 KB, LPC,FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Writing flash chip... Programming page: ERASE FAILED at 0x00000000! Expected=0xff, Read=0x49, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x0000ffff: 0x599 ERASE FAILED! ERASE FAILED! FAILED! Your flash chip is in an unknown state. Get help on IRC at irc.freenode.net channel #flashrom or mail flashrom@flashrom.org ------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT REBOOT OR POWEROFF!
fraser@ged:/tmp/7125v1D$ sudo flashrom -r bios flashrom v0.9.1-r706 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "NVIDIA CK804", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: Non-SPI. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "PMC Pm49FL004" (512 KB, LPC,FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. Reading flash... done.
fraser@ged:/tmp/7125v1D$ md5sum bios 8382ac62ffcfe57a86514dad936deb82 bios
fraser@ged:/tmp/7125v1D$ md5sum original.bios 8382ac62ffcfe57a86514dad936deb82 original.bios
fraser@ged:/tmp/7125v1D$ sudo flashrom -v original.bios flashrom v0.9.1-r706 No coreboot table found. Found chipset "NVIDIA CK804", enabling flash write... OK. This chipset supports the following protocols: Non-SPI. Calibrating delay loop... OK. Found chip "PMC Pm49FL004" (512 KB, LPC,FWH) at physical address 0xfff80000. Flash image seems to be a legacy BIOS. Disabling checks. Verifying flash... VERIFIED.