Hell everybody,
I'm working with a board that has a ST M95320-R(http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/113067.jsp) EEPROM chip that works as a NVM for a Gigabit Ethernet card. This chip supports very basic subset of instructions (read/write, write enable/disable, read/write status word). Right now, in order to write the firmware to the chip I use custom tool that does only this task. And I think it would be much more convenient not to reinvent the wheel and just implement support of the said microchip in more generic open source tool such as 'flashrom'. But as far as I can tell, 'flashrom' is the tool built with flash memory solely in mind (24bit address assumption, erase +write cycle, etc.). So what I would like to know if 'flashrom' ever aimed to implement its functionality for aforementioned kind of chips? Is there any point for me to try to implement said functionality in the code-base?
Andrey Smirnov
P.S. I'm not subscribed to the mailing list, please CC me in your responses.