On Wed, 5 Sep 2012 13:44:53 +1000 Mark Starikov mr.mark.starikov@gmail.com wrote:
Please let me know if there is a quick fix that can get this board flashed or(as this is very old hardware now) i would understand that support for such would be limited.
Hello Mark,
your board needs a board enable: http://flashrom.org/Board_Enable Usually someone disassembles the BIOS to find the necessary procedure, you can also try what is mentioned in the wiki. Since reverse engineering this stuff has become boring for those that are able to do it, dont expect it to be done by someone else soon-ish (sometimes wonders happen though, the mighty assembler gods are unfathomable :)
In any case please provide the output of lspci -nnvvvxxx run as root and if possible also superiotool -deV, thanks.