I have a couple of Netgear FA311 network cards, which have DP83815DVNG chips on board, and a space to mount a 32-pin boot ROM socket. Looking at the datasheet for the chip I have created this patch.
The datasheet suggests that reads and writes must be done 32 bits at a time, and only at 32 bit offsets. This seems strange for chips which have an 8 bit data bus.
I don't think this code is ready for inclusion in flashrom yet, but if anyone has a card with this chip and can test it out then give it a go. I'm pretty sure it won't just work though. It might even destroy your computer/house/planet.
I can't test it yet because the cards don't have a 32pin socket mounted on them. If and when I can add one then I can do some tests.
This is my first 'large' patch so let me know what I have got wrong. :)
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morgan ziltro@ziltro.com