On Tue, 18 Jun 2013 16:01:05 +0000 Greg Schardt gschardt@ddn.com wrote:
I did add the copyright lines to the headers of the 3 files I modified, is there anything else I must do? I forgot to mention that this build I am making will be distributed in a commercial product. Will this patch fulfill my company's GPL obligations?
I am not a lawyer. AFAIK you are obliged to offer the source code in the documentation of that product (see §3a of the license). I can not tell if it would suffice to just point the customer into our direction to fulfill the license. Best would probably if you put it onto the associated webpage as a complete, compressed archive (too) and mention that in written form shipping with the product. But as I said I am not a lawyer and you should consult one if you want to make sure you are fulfilling the license. :)